Written by MDCran. Exclusively for UCF.
AssignmentThis is an assignment focused on creating and advancing my digital portfolio! In this assignemnt I reflect on my current status of my portfolio and evaulate aspects of it such as the layout, navigation, and structure choices. This reflection will also address the learning experiences and challenges faced while creating my digital portfolio!
21st November, 2023
Assessing My Digital Portfolio Progress
UCF - Writing for Technical Professionals
My digital portfolio is progressing very well. My portfolio website had been created prior to this course, although it lacked up-to-date material. Therefore, I've been actively adding projects I've worked on. Utilizing a bootstrap web template for the layout, I've customized it to suit my needs as a Computer Science student who enjoys experimenting with technology. Currently, I am focused on enhancing the navigation, aiming to make it more streamlined and visually engaging rather than overwhelming users with excessive information. For a modern and simple aesthetic, I chose a sans-serif font known as Inter. The design is intentionally spaced out to prevent user memory overload. The portfolio showcases my work through a variety of assets, including images and videos from past projects.
Creating and updating this portfolio has been a learning experience. It has helped my understanding as a computer scientist, particularly in web design principles and the creation of user-friendly interfaces. While platforms like Wix and WordPress were suggested, I chose to learn more about how websites are read and displayed by computers while completing the assignments for the Writing for Technical Professional course. One of the most challenging and perplexing aspects has been the navigation bar. I aim to design it in a way that highlights the active page while linking every sub-page on the navigation bar comprehensively. Currently, integrating or updating pages into each navigation category is not straightforward. Looking ahead, I aspire to learn ReactJS and rebuild my portfolio using it, moving beyond the current HTML, CSS, and JS framework. This portfolio project for my Writing for Technical Professions course has been a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience.