MDCran | Challenge Games ⚊ Sonic
Arts & Entertainment

Challenge Games ⚊ Sonic

Download for FREE

Created for PopularMMOs. Distributed by Lubcubs.

Watch PopularMMOs play the map on YouTube!

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The Challenge Games ⚊ Sonic map was funded by PopularMMOs, in hopes to create something the audience would enjoy!

Developer: MDCran
Builders: MDCran

How to Play Guide:

  1. Purchase this map for FREE by clicking below!

  2. Download for FREE

  3. Download the .zip file provided after purchase.

  4. Locate to C:/Users/[CURRENT USER]/Downloads/ and extract the newly downloaded .zip file.

  5. Choose 1.8 Minecraft (Forge from the installation section of the launcher.

  6. Choose the extracted folder as the directory location when creating the installation.

  7. Under JVM Arguments change -Xmx2G to -Xmx[Number of GB]G which will allow you to dedicate more memory / ram to minecraft. (Allowing it to run smoother with modifications)

Watch Video!

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The 3rd of the series return on PopularMMOs YouTube Channel! Fight this modular boss mob after opening the epic Sonic Lucky Blocks!

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A classic series for everyone to play!