MDCran | Animal Crossing Hide & Seek
Arts & Entertainment

Animal Crossing Hide & Seek

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Created for PopularMMOs. Distributed by Lubcubs.

Watch PopularMMOs play the map on YouTube!

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The Animal Crossing Hide & Seek map was funded by PopularMMOs, in hopes to create something the audience would enjoy!

Developer: Lubcubs
Builders: MDCran

This map has been locked from public download at the clients wishes!

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Play Animal Crossing Hide and Seek!

Hide as 1 of the 5 major characters that were pulled from Animal Crossing for example: Tom Nook, Roald, Reese, Isabelle, and Bob! A dedicated Server-side map fully customized and dedicated toward Pat and Eleni. This custom map has custom Animal Crossing Morphs, Seeker Special Items, and Hider Fishing Rods that catch Sea-bass that can be used in shop!

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Explore the island by crossing over rivers!